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Do you find yourself here too?

I love it,


if I achieve my goals in the long term. I am constantly working on myself and my habits. That famous 1% improvement.

I am playful


and love to collect points. Besides, all things have to be beautiful with me. There are already countless habit tracker apps and journals to introduce new habits.

I want to be able to take my habit tracker with me wherever I go.

My habit tracking has to be easy.

I don't want to appear rude when using my habit tracker.


Combined, this results in our bracelet principle - the “lucky bracelet” for short.


We combine an analog habit tracker, aesthetics as well as games and fun: How many points do I get today?

Set yourself a goal, and for each sub-goal you have achieved, you can move a gem ball. This way you keep track of things and are rewarded with small successes. By the way, you change your habits step by step!


Would you like to achieve a lasting change in your habits? We would like to accompany you!


The intention behind the bracelet is to remind you of your goals. How serious are you about yourself? If fewer or no items are pushed from one side to the other, then there are no excuses. You have not actively pursued your sub-goals. You have taught your body that it is better to stick with the old habits. So your body believes that this new goal is not wanted at all. The bracelet should support you to change something in the long term. For each gemstone ball that is moved, you internalize the activity. This will gradually become your new habit. You can continuously work on your goals and choose your own steps.

Would you like to take it easy?


Take small steps that you can definitely take. So you will gradually reach your goal.

Are you rather brisk?


You are also welcome to set two goals at the same time and pursue them. The lucky bracelet offers enough space!

Sylvia introduces herself and the bracelet

Inspired by my neuroathletics background, I am always on the lookout for new tools that make sustainable change easier for us. The nervous system takes precedence over all physical and psychological functions. It is therefore significantly involved in all activities. Our nervous system is not a fan of change. Because his job is to protect us from potential dangers. A new habit is unknown and cannot be assessed. Therefore, our nervous system gives everything to maintain our usual behavior. Our brain does not act judgmental, it does not differentiate between good and bad. Habits are the result of our regular behavior. It doesn't matter whether we eat a lot of chocolate regularly or exercise every day. Both can become a habit and are anchored in our subconscious as desired behavior. In the end, habits are automated behaviors. In order to be able to reprogram our subconscious, our nervous system needs clear information about desired behavior. It gets it by taking conscious actions towards it. We need to engage in desired behaviors more often and more regularly than undesirable behaviors. If the motivation is not enough, the subconscious wins and acts according to our stored behavior. The decision is ours.


What information does the subconscious receive from us?


However, it has been proven that activities that we do not enjoy never become a habit. Therefore, we have to find fun in the changing activities in order to actually reprogram our brain in the long term. I found out for myself that some kind of game can be very helpful. I collect my points every day and write them down on a list. If I have enough points, I will reward myself! In addition to this reward, my new desired behaviors are anchored. That’s definitely success!

A lightweight


The lucky bracelet impresses with its delicacy.

Ready to hand


It is worn on the body and is therefore always there when you need it.

What are your advantages with the lucky bracelet?

Positive change


It will help you change your habits.

Success barometer


The elements on the bracelet can be moved from side to side. So you always have your successes visible on your wrist.

Piece of jewelry


It is stylish and can be combined appropriately.



It reminds you of your plans and helps you stick with it.

Materials and their background

We decided to work with precious stones, minerals and natural stones. They have been coveted for centuries and are said to have healing energy. We believe these traditions are valuable and can be instructive. For each stone used, there is a description of the properties, chakras and its meaning ascribed to it. You can find them here below or in the product description of the selected lucky bracelet. We are currently working with moonstone, rose quartz, labradorite, tourmaline and lava stone. The gemstone balls are threaded onto a chain made of 925 silver, 14K gold filled or 14K rose gold filled. They can be moved using stoppers and thus retain their place on the chain. A waxed cotton cord that you can adjust the size means additional flexibility. We use a magnet for the closure, which is also available in the above-mentioned precious metals. This makes it possible to put on and take off the lucky bracelet quickly and easily. Now you are ready to change your habits with our lucky bracelet. Do you dare to go this way with us?


If you have any questions about the lucky bracelet, you are welcome to contact us by email, leave a message on Instagram or use the contact form directly. We are also happy to cater to your individual needs!

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Information on materials used




Regeneration, Protection, Creativity


Star Sign




Root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, Ajna, crown chakra


The tourmaline stands for protection and depending on the color it has an effect on the psyche or on the body. The green tourmaline releases negative vibrations and encourages positive new beginnings. It is also known as a comforter of the soul and has an anti-anxiety effect. Creative ideas gush out of you together with the green gemstone. The red, sometimes pink, tourmaline has a particular effect on the regeneration of the body. Sometimes it is also used for pain relief. The black tourmaline has the greatest protective power. It is a real luck stone, averts worries and negative energies. Physically, it releases blockages and has a stabilizing effect on our entire organism. A real all-rounder!


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and charge once a month in a bowl with rock crystal and / or hematite tumbled stones for a few hours.





Regeneration, Protection, Creativity


Star Sign




Root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, Ajna, crown chakra


The tourmaline stands for protection and depending on the color it has an effect on the psyche or on the body. The green tourmaline releases negative vibrations and encourages positive new beginnings. It is also known as a comforter of the soul and has an anti-anxiety effect. Creative ideas gush out of you together with the green gemstone. The red, sometimes pink, tourmaline has a particular effect on the regeneration of the body. Sometimes it is also used for pain relief. The black tourmaline has the greatest protective power. It is a real luck stone, averts worries and negative energies. Physically, it releases blockages and has a stabilizing effect on our entire organism. A real all-rounder!


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and charge once a month in a bowl with rock crystal and / or hematite tumbled stones for a few hours.


Lava stone



Grounding & New beginning


Star Sign

Scorpio & Capricorn



Root chakra


The lava stone is described as grounding and self-confidence enhancing. The origin of the stone inspires the thought that it connects the person wearing the bracelet directly to Mother Earth. It stands for flowing energy and willpower. He also supports every new start in life and turns ideas into action.


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under running warm to hot water, dry and charge under the full moon or in the midday sun.





Endurance & Depth of being


Star Sign

Aquarius & Cancer





The labradorite gives the person who wears it more stamina, self-confidence and strength. It stimulates the imagination, relieves anxiety and supports you in coming to terms with repressed traumatic experiences. It balances out mood swings and promotes expressiveness. It is also said to have a positive effect on gastrointestinal complaints, blood pressure problems and joint problems.


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under running lukewarm water, if the surface is cloudy, place in a bowl with mineral water in the sun.





Intuition & Femininity


Star Sign

Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius



Ajna, crown chakra, throat chakra


The moonstone is seen as a mysterious and fascinating gemstone. Through the connection to the moon, it strengthens the intuition and feelings of its wearer. It has a balancing and harmonizing effect on the psyche and supports the regulation of the hormonal balance. The moonstone has been used for a long time because of its positive effect on fertility and pregnancy. It is even said to have beneficial effects on menstrual cramps. The person who wears the ribbon feels himself more and focuses on his inner being. In addition, the moonstone should help with moon addiction.


Cleaning and charging: clean with lime-free water, dry in the moonlight and charge.


Rose quartz



Love & Compassion


Star Sign

Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius



Root chakra


The rose quartz is often used against stress and is known for its nerve-strengthening properties. It creates a pleasant atmosphere and, in particular, strengthens all positive emotions. It is also used to strengthen existing partnerships and helps with interpersonal relationships. Whether to deepen existing feelings or to get over lovesickness - the rose quartz can help. It is often placed at the desk because it is supposed to absorb the electromagnetic radiation.


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and then charge overnight together with rock crystals in a bowl.





Regeneration, Protection, Creativity


Star Sign




Root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, Ajna, crown chakra


The tourmaline stands for protection and depending on the color it has an effect on the psyche or on the body. The green tourmaline releases negative vibrations and encourages positive new beginnings. It is also known as a comforter of the soul and has an anti-anxiety effect. Creative ideas gush out of you together with the green gemstone. The red, sometimes pink, tourmaline has a particular effect on the regeneration of the body. Sometimes it is also used for pain relief. The black tourmaline has the greatest protective power. It is a real luck stone, averts worries and negative energies. Physically, it releases blockages and has a stabilizing effect on our entire organism. A real all-rounder!


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and charge once a month in a bowl with rock crystal and / or hematite tumbled stones for a few hours.





Regeneration, Protection, Creativity


Star Sign




Root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, Ajna, crown chakra


The tourmaline stands for protection and depending on the color it has an effect on the psyche or on the body. The green tourmaline releases negative vibrations and encourages positive new beginnings. It is also known as a comforter of the soul and has an anti-anxiety effect. Creative ideas gush out of you together with the green gemstone. The red, sometimes pink, tourmaline has a particular effect on the regeneration of the body. Sometimes it is also used for pain relief. The black tourmaline has the greatest protective power. It is a real luck stone, averts worries and negative energies. Physically, it releases blockages and has a stabilizing effect on our entire organism. A real all-rounder!


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and charge once a month in a bowl with rock crystal and / or hematite tumbled stones for a few hours.





Regeneration, Protection, Creativity


Star Sign




Root chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, Ajna, crown chakra


The tourmaline stands for protection and depending on the color it has an effect on the psyche or on the body. The green tourmaline releases negative vibrations and encourages positive new beginnings. It is also known as a comforter of the soul and has an anti-anxiety effect. Creative ideas gush out of you together with the green gemstone. The red, sometimes pink, tourmaline has a particular effect on the regeneration of the body. Sometimes it is also used for pain relief. The black tourmaline has the greatest protective power. It is a real luck stone, averts worries and negative energies. Physically, it releases blockages and has a stabilizing effect on our entire organism. A real all-rounder!


Cleaning and charging: clean regularly under lukewarm running water and charge once a month in a bowl with rock crystal and / or hematite tumbled stones for a few hours.

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